Monday, November 14, 2016

Saigo made Akiramenai.

Today is November 13. That means there are only 20 days left to the 2nd JLPT Test of this year. A chance for another attempt is coming.

But before trying the test again, I think I should try to find out why I failed the July test.

And these are what I have found.

First, I was lack of concentration. I still remember that, while I was doing the listening section, I thought that my scores of Language Knowledge Section and Reading Section would both surely be above 40, while the required score to pass the test was only 100, so what I needed was just to pass the minimum required score (20) of the Listening section. With that thought in mind, I did the Listening test in a very loose mood. 
Besides, I was “distracted” by a girl. Truth be told, I spent a lot of time on glancing at her face, not paying much attention on the test papers, or on what the cassette was saying in the listening test. "How stupid!” You are thinking me so, right? I strongly agree with you.

Second, I was careless. For some questions, even I knew which choice was correct, yet, I filled in the wrong bubble! There were at least 2 questions that I filled in the wrong hole. If I had filled in the right bubble of those questions, I would have passed the exam. How unfortunately.

Third, my Japanese knowledge was not good enough. There were still many things I didn’t know, especially in the questions of Language Knowledge section. I think this is because I didn’t study enough, after all.

Of course, there are still many other reasons of my failure, but I think 3 things listed above are the most crucial ones.

So, what should a man do after he has found the reasons of his failure? Of course, the answer is “to try not to commit those mistakes again”.

“Please accept my deep regret, I will not fail you again.” 
 This is a line of Templar Assassin, a playable hero from a game called Dota 2. She speaks this line when she respawns from death. I really like this line though, and looks like this line really fits my current situation.

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