Friday, January 29, 2016

[ENG] Kyoudai hodo Chikaku Tooimono wa Nai 45, 46, 47

Well, the translations were done hell long time ago, but the scanlations really took me too much time to complete. On top of that, I was busy with other stuff in my real life, and I was very lazy, too.

After the final test of the semester, I started the plan of accomplishing JLPT N1 within this year, and now, I'm very determined. But, studying also costs me a lot of time that there is hardly freetime for me to do other Internet-related stuff.

Chapter 45: Read Online |Download.
Chapter 46: Read Online |Download.
Chapter 47: Read Online |Download.

The translations of chapter 48, 49 are done. So, if you want to read them beforehand, you can just check my dropbox folder. Here is the link of it.


  1. Hey man how long did it take you to reach JLTP 1? Hope you respond

    1. It depends on many factors, such as your determination, your diligence, your brain, the environment....

      At normal condition, I guess, it would take you more than 5 years to achieve N1 level.
