Sure, the boxes are in the original page but they don't have that ridiculous effect around them. Here's the page directly from mangabox See how much cleaner the page looks without those two giant black holes in the middle?
This is strange, because I really didn't add anything. I got this raw from Amario D, from Jcafe 24. I don't know where he got it, but I think it is from Mangabox. You can check:
I have completely uncensored raw which is gotten from, but it is very small.
Why did you make the censorship boxes larger and added that ridiculous effect?
ReplyDeleteNo, I didn't add that.
DeleteThat is what the original is.
Sure, the boxes are in the original page but they don't have that ridiculous effect around them.
DeleteHere's the page directly from mangabox
See how much cleaner the page looks without those two giant black holes in the middle?
This is strange, because I really didn't add anything.
DeleteI got this raw from Amario D, from Jcafe 24. I don't know where he got it, but I think it is from Mangabox. You can check:
I have completely uncensored raw which is gotten from, but it is very small.
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! :)