Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Translator's Introduction

 //Last updated at GMT+7 8:11 AM, July 12 2016

Greetings! I'm Psyblade, and I am 22. I live in Saigon, Vietnam, and I'm studying computer science at a tier 2 (or maybe tier 3) college of Saigon.

Now, I'm translating some mangas from Japanese to English, Japanese to Vietnamese and English to Vietnamese. I do this work simply because I love it, and also, because I want to improve my Japanese and English skills.

My current projects are: Sis Plus (English),  Kyoudai hodo Chikaku Tooimono wa Nai (Vietnamese, English). My dropped project is Hanamaru Youchien (Vietnamese). I had to drop it because of the collapse of VNSharing (Vietnam's biggest mangasite at that time).

Note: My projects are all free. Feel free to do EVERYTHING! You don't need to ask me for permission. But well, I really don't want you guys to use my works for commercial uses.

I've studied Japanese for nearly 3,5 years. 2 years ago, I passed the N3 test (130/180) with a perfect score (60/60) in Language Knowledge (Kanji - Vocaburary - Grammar ) section . (Sorry for boasting too much xD). Last year, I successfully passed the N2 test, with a quite good score.

This year, I just took the N1 test. But my performance was not really good, especially the listening part. Now, I'm fearfully waiting for the test result announcement. Hope that the god of fortune will stay by my side.

I've just started learning Chinese, from starter level. I guess this will not go far. But well, at least, Chinese is interesting, so, how far I can go with it, I guess it doesn't matter at all.

My goal in language learning: Vietnam's B level in English, enough for me to graduate college :v (If you were a Vietnamese, you would understand why I use this emoticon), JLPT N1 (it's so faaaaaar away from me) in Japanese and HSK3 in Chinese (it's so faaaaaar away from me). Well, everyone has their goals, but not everyone can complete them. And I'm not sure who I am...

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